California has 358 homes per 1000 people and ranks 49th in units per people only behind Utah. The average price for a home in California is over $600K. In S.F., the average price is $1.6M.
SB 50 would override local building restrictions and let developers create more housing near metro stations and high frequency bus ...
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I talked with an agent about your question. The agent said a lot could change to the foundation and the buyer's agent was doing his due diligence to provide the buyer a peace of mind.
That said ... As the seller, I too would not have paid $1,200 at your cost to check if there were any foundation problems with your home. Chances are pretty slim there will be any new issues found to begin with. But if there are foundation problems uncovered, the buyer would most likely walk away from purchasing your home and you would then need to disclose the foundation problems to the next buyer.
This is similar to the asbestos ceiling issue found in older homes. Everyone may suspect that the ceilings are asbestos and as such, is a hazard to anyone living there. But it's only if the ceiling is tested and confirmed to be asbestos is the seller required to disclose their ceilings are actually asbestos.
Good luck in finding a new buyer!
TodayWeBuy · 57M LLC, Camarillo, CA · DRE 12345678
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